Sunday 23 August 2015


Ons smag soms na vrede
hunker na liefde
vra dalk vrae oor die lewe:
Die hoekoms en waaroms
en verdraaide daaroms
die raaisel van vrouwees...

Wie sal dit raaksê :
die hart van ‘n vrou
ons word in boksies geplaas
Hoe weet die wêreld wat ek wil hê?
emosies kan my soms so sag toevou
dan weer soos ‘n storm oor my blaas.

Voel jy soms soos ek so broos?
nie opgewasse vir jou taak
vir God se werk kragloos?
Het ons vergeet Wie’t ons geskape –
So volmaak?

Jou krag – vrou - is oud soos tyd
Tog elke dag nuut deur die Gees.
Om deur Christus verlos te wees

Gee krag, skenk ons die Ewigheid!

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Piazza Duomo, Milan, Italy

What a previlege it was to visit this beautiful catedral in Milan in 2009. Onbeskryflik mooi!

Sunday 28 June 2015


There is a certain magic in the warmth of the winter sun in the Bushveld. Early in the morning you can feel the bite of the winter on your skin. Your nose, ears and your fingers will complain about the harshness of the winter, but suddenly after ten or eleven, cosiness, appear. The same sun that can burn down with fire on you in summer will cuddle you now and give you a gentle warm massage.

Ek voel altyd die warmte van die wintersonnetjie om my soos die genade van die Here wat my sag omvou. Ek wil dit koester en tjoepstil sit sodat die gevoel nog so rukkie langer kan aanhou.

Sunday 14 June 2015


Once a year we put one day apart to celebrate Mothers day. 
A day especially for Mothers.
Between all the - thank you, the hugs and kisses, and gifts, there is a lot of pain. The pain of barren unfulfilled Motherhood.
When everybody is celebrating the joy of being a mother and child there are undetected moments of sighs and tears in the corners of eyes. Moments that pass, but the pain in the hearts of these women takes years to heal.
How many years can a woman wait and hope? Unfulfilled keep on waiting and hoping? To accept at last that nothing is going to happen… to go through all the options; all the painful motions and – nothing.
The baby room still quiet and empty.
Mother’s day is no chocolate heart day for such women.
But one day – in heaven – we will understand why Mums with empty arms and hearts full of love had to stay empty handed. 

And children – sometimes praying for a mother – have to go to bed alone some nights.

Thursday 16 April 2015


Nooit het ek kon dink, kon glo
Dat ek die blikkerige voël,
die koue vliegmasjien
As vroulik wese sou aansien
wat met haar oorvol pens die aarde hierdie kant verlaat
om uit daai oorvol pens my kind en ander land te laat

Sy styg daar op, so grasieus
lig daai voël haar ysterneus
Minute later, weg is sy.
Ek wat stom hier agterbly…

En wie weet hoeveel vrae
lewensdramas, tornado’s
Oor ons heen koppe gaan tier
Voor my hart se oorloop
Jou tuiskoms juigend vier

Ek liefhaat elke vliegmasjien
Totdat my oog die dag sal sien
Dat een vyand-vrou my kind
Weer veilig huis toe bring.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Coetzee Familie/ Family

Deep inside every one of us there is something.
A tiny spark, that piece of DNA that connects us. That blood that flows- no crawls- over mountains, through rivers and long stretches of land.
That makes emotions come alive when I hear your name, see your photo or when the phone rings and I see your number on the screen.
Somewhere along the road our spouses join us. They grow part of us in such a way that it becomes bloodlove.
Togother we form a team – to others just next of kin –
In God’s eye a special family.
Let us make our Creator proud wherever we are, whatever we do. All glory to him our Saviour and Friend!

Binne almal van ons is 'n splintertjie iets.
Die stukkie DNA wat ons bind.
Die bloedeeltjie wat kruip oor vlaktes, berge en oseane
Wat emosies laat regop spring as ek jou naam hoor,
Jou foto sien of die foon lui en die skermpie wys jou nommer.

Iewers langs die pad kom ons wederhelftes by ons aansluit. Hulle groei so vas aan ons menswees dat die band wat ons bind hulle insluit in ons bloedliefde.
Saam maak ons 'n span – in gewone taal ‘n familie –
in God se oë  ‘n spesiale huisgesin.
Wat ons as familie dan doen – saam of wanneer ons oor die aarde versprei is – laat ons alles doen tot eer van God-Drie-Enig, ons Verlosser en Vriend!