Sunday 28 June 2015


There is a certain magic in the warmth of the winter sun in the Bushveld. Early in the morning you can feel the bite of the winter on your skin. Your nose, ears and your fingers will complain about the harshness of the winter, but suddenly after ten or eleven, cosiness, appear. The same sun that can burn down with fire on you in summer will cuddle you now and give you a gentle warm massage.

Ek voel altyd die warmte van die wintersonnetjie om my soos die genade van die Here wat my sag omvou. Ek wil dit koester en tjoepstil sit sodat die gevoel nog so rukkie langer kan aanhou.

Sunday 14 June 2015


Once a year we put one day apart to celebrate Mothers day. 
A day especially for Mothers.
Between all the - thank you, the hugs and kisses, and gifts, there is a lot of pain. The pain of barren unfulfilled Motherhood.
When everybody is celebrating the joy of being a mother and child there are undetected moments of sighs and tears in the corners of eyes. Moments that pass, but the pain in the hearts of these women takes years to heal.
How many years can a woman wait and hope? Unfulfilled keep on waiting and hoping? To accept at last that nothing is going to happen… to go through all the options; all the painful motions and – nothing.
The baby room still quiet and empty.
Mother’s day is no chocolate heart day for such women.
But one day – in heaven – we will understand why Mums with empty arms and hearts full of love had to stay empty handed. 

And children – sometimes praying for a mother – have to go to bed alone some nights.