Saturday 13 August 2011


Iemand wat teruggaan na sy huis toe, dink nie dat die nag te donker is nie. Hy ken die pad huis toe. Ugandese gesegde

Monday 8 August 2011


Way back in 1956 women march to the Union building to protest against the carrying of pass books. Now in 2011, the freedom we have if this: if you want to carry out any important transaction you need you ID document, proof of residence plus bank statement or salary slips for three months. Certified of cause.

Vroudag 9 Augustus 2011. Die vryheid waarvoor vrou opgeruk het na die Uniegebou in 1956... vandag het jy die volgende nodig om enige belangrike transaksie af te handel. Jou identiteitsdokument, bewys van woon adres plus drie maande se bankstate of salarisstrokies. Daar is nou vir jou vooruitgang...

Sunday 17 July 2011

The beauty of sunset


Grys, grou en stowwerige
winteroutokraat wat nie laat los
nog oulaas koue winde los wil laat.
Kyk die periwinkles praat.

Pers en teer en taai
 kan periwinkles harder praat
as al die winterhaat

Eerste Lentebloeisels doodgeskroei.
Het jul te gou gewaag?
Aalwynkoppe gister bloedrooimooi,
hang ook jou kop nou laag?

Lente is vanjaar so traag,
 dis droog, so leweloos.
Wrede vuur deur wind gejaag
laat slegs swart dood.

Kyk mooi, die Periwinkles praat.
Is jou siel dor en droog
bind die winter nog jou hart?
benewel doodsheid jou verstand?
Luister mens, ons Meester praat!

Circle of life

People go on strike and because of that a whole country feels the ripple effect. We are running out of petrol at the gas stations. These toi-toing strikers even put other people’s life in danger and it doesn’t seem to bother them much. Economists and politicians discuss the outcome and effect and journalist have a field of a day. It is news worthy, isn’t it?
In the meantime mother earth is silently going her way. Finishing off with winter season in sunny South Africa and preparing for spring. Cuddling and nurturing the seeds in her bosom to give us a spectacular season.
That’s the way is has always been and will be until the end of time. Nature doesn’t strike, doesn’t burn tyres or throw tantrums. We should show our gratitude by enjoying, indulging and giving back.